My method to cure fatty hepatitis

Change your diet and you’ll beat steatohepatitis out.
All meals are to self-cooked. Eating out is out of the question.

You should eat as follows: In my case, I was able to eliminate fatty hepatitis in about half a year. (Hepatic evaluation in comprehensive medical checkup improved from F to A)

You should have a homemade salad made mainly of fresh lettuce and cabbage as much as one large salad bowl every day. It’s important for you to make it for yourself by yourself. Let’s go select the vegetables at supermarkets and chop them by yourself.

As for dressing, Mix salt, extra virgin olive oil, linseed oil and lemon juice. Sea salt with a sodium chloride ratio of less than 95% is recommended.

Protein comes from beans, chicken eggs, and seafood. It is best to consume 1-2 chicken eggs daily. Avoid meat as much as possible. Animal fats are not good for your body.

For carbohydrates, take 70g of rice at one meal. Exactly 70g. No more, no less. Then you might worry about hunger if you don’t have enough, but try it and you’ll find out. There is no wonder and “hunger feeling”. Humans don’t feel hungry as long as they get enough nutrients. You may feel “insufficient” at first, but you will soon get used to it.

I will make the rice myself. Mix raw cut brown rice and glutinous barley at a ratio of 3:1 to cook. Cook rice all at once on the weekend, measure 70g each on a cooking scale, wrap in plastic wrap and store in the freezer. Cooking 4 cups of rice (3 cups of raw cut brown rice + 1 cup of glutinous barley) is enough for about 20 servings.

Also, please refrain from taking sugar, milk, bread, alcoholic beverages, and chemical seasonings as much as possible.

With the above diet, fatty hepatitis will disappear. At the same time, obesity should be eliminated. In my case, I succeeded in losing about 20 kg in half a year, my body became lighter, and my face and palms, which had been reddish until then, became white and healthy.

